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This year, like a writer looking to switch things up by swapping out an element or two in their story, we're going to experiment with setting. Over the years, the Young Writers' Workshop has taken place on college campuses hither and thither around Tennessee and for two electronic years on the vast wilds of the world wide web.


For 2024, we'll be taking the workshop to a library in each of Tennessee's Grand Divisions: West, Middle and East.


Each iteration will be three days jam packed with writing, writing, and writing. Our hope and goal is that this year's format will continue the workshop's tradition of providing a vibrant space for students to learn, write, discover, grow, maybe be bewildered and, of course, forge all sorts of connections on and off the page.

Also, this year's workshop will be offered at no cost to participants.

The exact locations and times are forthcoming (but they'll all be in June). Sign up for the newsletter below to be e-mailed when the info is confirmed or check back to the site, here, in the next few weeks. 

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The Tennessee Young Writers Workshop (and, in 2020 and 2021, the World Wide Web Workshop!) provides students an opportunity to explore their writing passion and hone their craft among peers and under the encouragement of professional, published writers.


(c) 2024 Humanities Tennessee


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(c) 2023 Humanities Tennessee


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